BCX ULTRA Rife Accessories - PEMF Accessories

bcx pemf mat box concentrator
made in usa

OPTION 1)   PEMF-ULTRA (Plug-in accessory to BCX Ultra unit)  
 • PEMF Mat &/or PEMF Concentrator w PEMF-Ultra Control box
 **BCX Ultra unit w PEMF-Ultra Control box ARE required. Run any BCX Ultra Program & create programs.
OPTION 2)   PEMF-ST (Stand-Alone PEMF unit):

  • PEMF Mat, PEMF Concentrator, PEMF-STD Control box (stand-alone unit)  
 **DOES NOT connect w BCX Ultra unit. 70 prestored programs, Programmable Frequency/Time

** PEMF MAT includes PEMF Tester


PEMF Rife Mat
-Frequencies: Modulated 1 to 100hz
-Wave Forms: (107usec Linear Ramp Up/Linear Ramp Down Pulses)
-Polarity: Pulses alternate Positive & Negative
-Power: 50mJ per Pulse Max
-Variable Intensity, 47 gauss
-Dimensions (6ft x 2.5ft)
-Addtl Hw:
        1) PEMF-ULTRA control box & BCX Ultra unit (full functionality)
       2) or  PEMF-ST standalone box (no hookup to BCX Ultra, limited functionality)
    ** For comparison refer below to Detailed Specs.
- Description: Mat is for full body application. Produces Low Duty Cycle High Intensity Magnetic Pulses. Runs Rife & Earth Frequencies

click on image for detailed specs
pemf specs

PEMF Rife Concentrator
-Runs Rife Frequencies   Earth Frequencies,
-Frequencies: Modulated 1 to 100hz
-Wave Forms: (107usec Linear Ramp up/Linear Ramp Down Pulses)
-Polarity: Pulses alternate Positive and Negative
-Power: 50mJ per Pulse Max
-Variable Intensity, 350 gauss
-Addtl Hw:
        1) PEMF-ULTRA control box & BCX Ultra unit (full functionality)
       2) or  PEMF-ST standalone box (no hookup to BCX Ultra, limited functionality)
    ** For comparison refer below to Detailed Specs.

-Description: Concentrator is for targeted application. Designed for individual body regions, such as knee, wrist, elbow or any other targeted area. Produces Low Duty Cycle High Intensity Magnetic Pulses


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMFT), also known as PEMF, pulse magnetotherapy, and pulsed magnetic therapy. PEMFT is a therapy technique used in many ways, for example in depression   orthopedics treating fusions, fractures. When dealing with bone healing, PEMF sends magnetic pulses through the tissue where the magnetic pulses sends an electrical signal stimulating cellular repair. Multiple studies have shown how effective PEMF is in healing wounds, reduces inflammation, alleviates pain and many other conditions. Trials have been conducted by rheumatologists, hospitals, neurologists and physiotherapists. Made w copper coils. Copper has antimicrobial effect.

Cassandra D. Salgado, MD explains:

"...that the antimicrobial effect of copper-alloy surfaces is a result of the metal stealing electrons from the bacteria when they come into contact with each other. "Once the bacteria donate the electrons to the copper metal, this places the organism into a state of electrical-charge deficit," she says. "As a consequence, free radicals are generated inside the cell, which ultimately leads to the cell's death."

Wikipedia Definition & information on PEMF Therapy details


Potential Benefits:
• Improved macro (blood vessels dilating)  micro (increased capillary blood flow) circulation
• Increased partial oxygen pressure
• Improving blood's ability to transport oxygen to the red blood cells
• Improved cellular metabolism
• Strengthens immune system
• Healing  antimicrobial benefits of copper coils


The differences between Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) devices and other electrotherapy and electrical stimulation (e-stim) devices, especially TENS machines are big - particularly in the way each is applied and how this impacts the way they interact with the body.
TENS units use electric currents while PEMF devices use pulsed electromagnetic fields. PEMFs have effects on the brain and at the cellular level in your body, rather than simply stimulating nerve activity. This means that PEMFs offer deeper healing as well as the pain management effects TENS units provide.
The purpose of TENS units are to help patients manage pain. They work by a distraction technique, called the gate control theory. Basically, TENS operates by confusing the brain through the stimulation signals it produces, competing with the signals from another pain source. This is usually a very temporary benefit.
PEMFs, while they also tend to offer more longer-lasting pain relief, are designed to stimulate repair of tissues at the cellular level. Repair and healing of the cause of the pain is what produces longer-lasting pain relief. So while TENS is mostly used for pain, it does so mostly without healing the cause of the pain. In addition to giving pain relief, PEMFs have a whole range of other health care applications. Research has shown that PEMFs can stimulate healing for wounds and bone fractures, have a positive impact on depression and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and many more benefits beyond pain relief.


Read actual email submissions from other very satisfied customers.

PEMF Accessory Success

"The first 3 times I used the mat, I could feel more energy going into my entire neck area where I have had stiffness and possible thyroid issues. My blood test later showed the T3 and T4 count to be normal after years of low thyroid function. The second time, I could feel it in my sore left shoulder. It seemed that the energy was going to the area where my muscles have been in knots for a long time...."
from lynda

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doug coil
made in usa



Coming soon!
- Runs Rife Frequencies
- Frequencies: Modulated 10 to 6,000hz!
- Wave Forms:
- Variable Intensity,
- Power: 200 Gaus (.02 Tesla's)
- Dimensions: 17" x 5-1/4" (depth 13"),
- Addtl Hw: connects to the BCX Ultra unit or stand-alone
- Cost: $TBD

Potential Benefits:
• Well known for a Lyme treatment
• PEMF treatment & therapy benefits


- Coming soon!
- Runs Rife Frequencies
- Frequencies: Modulated 10 to 6,000hz!
- Wave Forms:
- Variable Intensity,
- Power: 200 Gaus (.02 Tesla's)
- Dimensions: 17" x 5-1/4" (depth 13"),
- Addtl Hw: connects to the BCX Ultra unit or stand-alone
- Cost: $TBD

Potential Benefits:
• Well known for a Lyme treatment
• PEMF treatment & therapy benefits

BCX Ultra Doug Coil is a electromagnetic field generator. The most important factor in the BCX UItra Doug Coil is that we use state of the art 21'st century technology. We do not use banks of switches and lookup tables, no akward maneuvering of the knob until a meter reads something, & no wires all over the place. The microprocessors in BCX Ultra Doug Coil automates the entire operation. Simple to use. You simply just run a prestored or custom program with all of our variable parameters. And, it is substantially lighter and smaller, and is actually portable. Doesn't need a furniture dolly or hand truck, it's not made of plywood, and it doesn't have wheels! The front of our unit is 17" x 5-1/4" (depth 13").

Why BCX Ultra Doug Coil vs Others: The coil is adjustable in angle. We have a different way to provide cooling using only 1 coil for full frequency range instead of using 2 other coils like others do for different sets of frequency ranges. We provide the same power as others, except across the entire frequency range. Main key differences:
• Coil Design: The BCX Ultra Doug Coil has a unique coil that operates at both low and high frequencies. Other Doug Coil machines require different coils to operate at low and high frequencies.
• Frequency Range: The BCX Ultra Doug Coil has a unique design which operates from 10Hz to 6,000 Hz. Other Doug Coil machines have a limited operating frequency range.
• Cooling Design: The BCX Ultra Doug Coil has a unique construction which substantially reduces heat. Other Doug Coil machines coils get hot after a shower.


Read actual email submissions from other very satisfied customers.

PEMF Accessory Success

"The first 3 times I used the mat, I could feel more energy going into my entire neck area where I have had stiffness and possible thyroid issues. My blood test later showed the T3 and T4 count to be normal after years of low thyroid function. The second time, I could feel it in my sore left shoulder. It seemed that the energy was going to the area where my muscles have been in knots for a long time...."
from lynda

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